About Abney Ink

Ever since I can remember, I have always drawn. My grandmother, Sweetheart, always encouraged me and raved about my scribbles being intricate scenes of great things (I was 2). I had a wonderful art teacher in middle school who coached, critiqued, and really made me love making art- all kinds.

I work out of a dark chaotic basement. It's a coat closet, pantry, laundry room, and art studio. But somehow it works for me!

This blog is for the process of my artwork as well as getting it out there and available for sale. Abney was my maiden middle name. Ink is my favorite art medium. Abney Ink.  

My name is Hannah Mason and I can be reached at hsmithmason@gmail.com Most of my work is made to order. My portraits are done from clients' favorite photographs which they email to me. Just email me any questions that you may have...