Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I used to think my mother was crazy

...and sometimes I still do. But, lately as I've been trying to get in a routine of doing more artwork, I've discovered that maybe she wasn't all that crazy. Getting up before my 1 year old son gets up, is VITAL to my day if I am going to get anything accomplished just for myself which also means get any of my work started. I grew up thinking my mother was a morning person. SO OPPOSITE from me. Well, turns out, she's probably not a morning person and getting up at the crack of dawn before any of her four children needed her was her hanging onto a thread of self-sanctuary. Getting up at 6 a.m. when my child sleeps until 8, gives me two hours in 24 hours where I am not totally consumed with all the constant attention that he needs during the day (and night, we're having "staying in our big boy bed" issues mostly at bedtime, 2 a.m., and 4 a.m.)

At the park with my mom in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1981 (I wonder if she was able to get up before I did this day)
For all you more experienced mothers out there with grown children, YES, I did call her the moment I realized my oversight.


  1. Great story and even better photo...love it!

  2. I am not a morning person, either, but haven't yet been able to overcome the lure of the bed with the promise of getting more accomplished each day. Maybe someday! Have a great Spring Break in MS!

  3. She loves you so very much and you can't ever forget that.
